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Centering Team Presented at the WPLCA Conference

The President of the Western Pennsylvania Lactation Consultant Association (WPLCA), Ms. Edie Davidson, invited our Centering Team to present, “May the 4th (Trimester) be with you: One Woman at a Time, Centering Pregnancy and Lactation” at their annual conference which was held at Magee Women’s Hospital on December 4, 2021. 

Our team members are Rowena Pingul-Ravano, MD, Maggie Judge, RN, BSN, LCEE, CLC, and Asmau Misawa, MD (Class of 2018).  The team and our Centering Patient presented the evidence behind the impact of Centering Pregnancy in the 4th trimester care in decreasing pre-term births and increasing breastfeeding initiation rates.  Also, how we can bridge the maternity care disparity gap though the centering pregnancy model of care.  Dr. Pingul-Ravano discussed the impact of cultural barriers and cultural sensitivities on lactation and the Triad Effect (of a physician, an OB nurse, and a doula) on breastfeeding Moms.
